No Crying Over Spilled Coffee With Data Backup

Tech Lessons from the Real World

Picture it, five years ago. It was another typical day at the office. Upon arriving, I did all my normal routines- put my lunch in the fridge, got my water and most importantly, got my sacred morning nectar, coffee,  which I admit makes me bearable for the rest of the world. Just as I got settled at my desk to start my day, I knocked my precious coffee over, watching the contents spill forth upon my even more precious laptop. Little did I know that panic was about to escalate as it dawned upon me no data backup had been done. 

DEVASTATION! PANIC! I basically watched my life flash before my eyes in super slow dramatic fashion. You know what I’m talking about when something like this happens. Most everything I did for work was tied into that computer. The worst part was knowing I had done nothing to protect my information by backing it up. How was I going to survive this?  To rush to the conclusion and spare the suspense, the honest answer is, I got lucky. I got real lucky. The info on my hard drive was able to be salvaged. But what ensued after the initial carnage was a complete anxietous circus.  I had to drop everything, dash my laptop over to an IT guy, chew half my fingernails off and wait to hear the results.

The stress I had to go through to have this miracle pulled off was not worth it. It’s a painful costly accident having to replace the computer in itself. But had I simply done data backup, I would not have needed to sweat that part out. Whether you are utilizing a USB drive, cloud or offsite storage, do it. The point is, it’s the insurance on the content of your computer and it’s so easy and inexpensive to do.

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